Guild Wars 2 Character Progress


Since the last time I posted a Guild Wars 2 Character Progress report, a lot has happened for me and GW2. We started the Guild Wars Players site up and Drac (and eventually Ethelros, too) and I started podcasting as Guild Wars Players News. It’s been awesome and GW2 still has me in a tight grip. I’d play all day if I could. And I have some days, as you might be able to tell from my characters…

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The Sociable


Yesterday I had the pleasure of being a guest on the LOTRO Players News podcast. I’ve never been on a podcast before and I’ve only had two previous experiences doing any kind of collaborative audio/voice recording (one of which never came to light), so it was a really interesting experience. I was quite nervous before-hand, like with most any social situation. Would I talk too much? Would I not talk enough? Those kinds of questions.

Fortunately the people at LOTRO Players are all really fun, interesting, welcoming people so my anxiety was gone pretty quickly. In fact I had so much fun doing the live podcast and chatting with them all afterwards that I’m left with a bit of a problem. It took me awhile to figure out what my feelings were exactly afterwards, but I’ve finally realized what my problem is: I miss being social in LOTRO.


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